Soluna helps you naturally fall asleep faster, stay asleep longer, & wake up refreshed
Soluna is an A.I. powered sleep device that uses light, sound, scent, and temperature to help you fall asleep faster, deeper, & wake up more refreshed. Our modern homes & devices block these cues. Soluna brings them back using A.I. to sense your sleep quality and automatically adjust those four conditions in your bedroom to create the ideal sleeping environment that is personalized to you.

Don't rely on willpower, drugs or wearables to fall asleep
You don't need more data from sleep wearables telling you how bad you are at sleeping. You already know that. Instead of willing yourself to change, let it happen naturally with Soluna.
Soluna changes your environment to mimic the cues nature has given to humans for thousands of years. Your body will automatically release the hormones your body needs to fall into a deep sleep.

Wake up naturally feeling refreshed
Soluna uses the latest in A.I. technology as well as sound, scent, light, and temperature sensors to adjust your environment throughout the night and into the morning. These adjustments will mimic the light, sounds, smells, and temperatures of a crisp autumn night or a refreshing summer morning, activating the hormones in your body to ensure you sleep deeply and wake you naturally refreshed.
Fall asleep fast, stay asleep, and wake up energized in 3 simple steps
Download the Soluna Sleep App and follow the simple instructions to pair with your Soluna device.
Through the app select the times you wish to go to bed and wake up, plus a few additional preferences.
Go about your day as normal. Soluna will take over from here and help you get to sleep and wake up naturally.
Nothing will improve your life more than a good night's sleep
Soluna changes your environment so that your body naturally starts producing melatonin, the hormone that makes you tired. It changes light, sound, scent and temperature in your bedroom to recreate the way humans have always fallen asleep for thousands of years.
Then as you sleep Soluna tracks your sleep patterns and uses Soluna’s Sleep A.i. to make sure that you stay asleep by adjusting those settings. In the morning Soluna changes your environment again to recreate the ideal morning setting so that you wake up feeling fresh and rejuvenated.